Simple Isotope

1 1 1 1 1
Rating 4.78 (36 Votes)

Compat icon 4 xCompat icon 5 0This module, based on isotope library ( displays/sorts/filters weblinks/articles using categories, tags and fields. It respects Content-Security-Policy.

Version 4.3.22 (Update : 05/07/2024)

  • # Truncate : use truncateComplex to handle self closing tags
Version 4.3.21 (Update : 13/05/2024)
  • # Empty tags list if not filtering tags
Version 4.3.20 (Update : 13/05/2024)
  • # Joomla 5 compatibility : fix getUser deprecation
Version 4.3.19 (Update : 13/05/2024)
  • # Pagination : display all selected categories buttons, even if empty
  • # Joomla 5 compatibility : fix deprecated code
Version 4.3.18 (Update : 29/04/2024)
  • # Suppress warning undefined property stdClss::$cgisotope
Version 4.3.17 (Update : 23/02/2024)
  • # offcanvas : cookie error where reloading page
Version 4.3.16 (Update : 18/02/2024)
  • # Infinite paging : alpha buttons : remove event listeners on single button
Version 4.3.15 (Update : 18/02/2024)
  • # Infinite paging : ignore cookie
  • # Infinite paging : alpha buttons : recreate event listeners
Version 1.0.0 (Septembre 2016): version initiale

  • Joomla! 4.x/5.x
  • Joomla! 3.x
Download Simple Isotope Module pour Joomla 4.x/5.x


(already downloaded 315 times)

Note : this version is not supported anymore

Download Simple Isotope Module pour Joomla 3.X


(already downloaded 3832 times)


PHP 74 PHP 80Just install this Simple Isotope module like any other Joomla! module. It also exists as a component : CG Isotope Component.

To respect Content Security Policy (CSP), there is no inline CSS/JS anymore. To do so, we had to use Joomla! addScriptOptions which is only available after Joomla! version 3.7.x.

Attention : If you are using Articles Pagination, there is a bug in Joomla core, so an 404 error is displayed when switching pages. To fix this, download Content Page Break Isotope plugin, enable it and disable core plugin "Content - Page Break".

With your help, Isotope component is being improved, new features are implemented.

Version 4.3.0 shows a CG Isotope component page as a Simple Isotope module page, so you may include it in your articles.

In version 4.0.2, for Joomla 4.x, we introduced infinite pagination : take a look at our demo.

From Simon's idea, version 2.0.3 introduces alphabetical index filtering. You may see this on Joomla! extensions page.

Version 1.19.7
introduces a new sort button : blog order. 

With version 1.19.5, new features from CG Isotope components have been implemented : custom field per field id, fields links (take a look at our demo), Fields+Tags filter, new dates parameters, ...

With Version 1.17.1, 2 new features have been implemented : use Field/tag/category notes to display filter button's tooltips (Loïc's suggestion) and add exclusive list for fields display (as suggested by Martin). Check our demo page.

Version 1.15.0 introduces random sort display as suggested by André and hide continuation characters (...) when articles are longer than choosen maximum article size (Marc's request).

From Justus idea, version 1.3.0 introduces range slider on custom fields. During tests, we found a bug in content's plugin. You may see the result at Justus website :

Note : Range Slider is a pure JS project from Slawomir Zaziablo.

Loic (alias Lomart) has been a big tank of ideas :

-  a session cookie that stores your latest request. So, when Isotope Component is displayed again, it will be shown using your latest request, as long as you keep your internet explorer opened (session cookie),
- Block as link : the whole article block becomes a link
{new} and {subtitle} tags, 
- buttons alignment,
- ....

One suggested Ajax and Iframe choice in Readmore parameter, another one needed custom fields, K2, ....

From version 1.0.0, when this module has been named "Simple Isotope" to today (where it's not a simple module anymore),

Thank you for those of you who are helping me improving this module (and Isotope component).



isotope  2

isotope weblinks gb

isotope k2 gb
isotope k2 2 gb

layout gb

These parameters are the one used on My modules page. Please note that "Articles" section is not defined, so, default values will apply (line = 2, order = 1, width = 12).

For information,  "Favorite weblinks" uses same layout parameters. Isotope test page has different layout parameters:

  • Search section : line 1, order 1, width 3
  • Categories filter section: line 1, order 2, width 6
  • Sort section : line 1, order 3, width 3
  • Tags filter section: line 2, order 1, width 3
  • Articles : line 2, order 2, width 9

To make this module "responsive", I use up.css file from Lomart's Up plugin,  working fine while using "flexbox".