CG Gallery component is based on Unite Gallery library version 1.7.45. It displays your images in diffrent modes: tules, gris, caroussel or slider. It has only a small number of parameters.
Version 3.0.4 (Update : 15/04/2024)
- # Set images as default dir if base directory not defined in config
- # Handle webp images
- # Image selection : image required
- + Add base directy in config (default: images)
- # Suppress notice Deprecated: json_decode(): Passing null..
- + Image type filtering
- - Remove K2 support
- ^ Clean up unnecessary code/files
- ^ SQL : explode params in sql fields
- # Show-hide online help in single image selection
...Version 1.0.2 (2018 December) : 1st version
- Joomla! 4.x/5.x
- Joomla! 3.x
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CG Gallery component is to be installed like any other Joomla! component.
It also exists as a module : CG Gallery module.
Other examples (using CG Gallery component) may be accessed through below menus.
Other examples
CG Gallery component has 2 menus: "Pages" menu and "Import" menu.
"Import" menu may be used to import CG Gallery module or Simple Unite Gallery information into CG Gallery component.
When clicking on "Pages" menu, the following screen is displayed:
General Tab.
Display mode tab.
Available modes
Below examples are available modes.
When selecting a mode, a different list of paramaters appears.
Images tab
Optional desc.txt file may be created to give a description, a link to every single image. desc.txt file structure is:
<file name>|<description>|<option al link>
Note: * in file name position is used a default values for missing images names.
Our examples desc.txt file is:
*|message par défaut
sound_cloud.jpg|ceci est un beau fichier description|26
tile5.jpg|Allons voir|//
You may select your images one by one.
In this case, you may enter individual description and link.